Saturday, 23 December 2023
Wednesday, 20 December 2023
How many alleged ‘technothrillers’ ACTUALLY have any ‘techno’?
I don’t know about you lot … but when I jump on to Amazon - the vast majority of what I see when I type in ‘techno thriller’ or ‘technothriller’ are just bog standard modern day THRILLERS … They abuse the ‘TECHNO’ title, and go - well, there’s a plane, and a gun, and a mention of high tech comms or weapons!!!
That’s not a TECHNOTHRILLER people!
Blake Crouch, Daniel Suarez, ME … that’s TECHNOTHRILLER territory.
So, the next time your read a book that brands itself a technothriller despite being based in the modern day and only mentioning everyday things like cellphones and the internet… PLEASE make a point of saying the book is good (if it is) .. BUT also mention that it absolutely isn’t a technothriller!
A technothriller IS about the technology; WHAT it means to, or for us. YOU ARE supposed to think about the possible impacts the story will have on our lives … If you don’t - it’s NOT a technothriller!
Big Christmassy hugs to all … don’t forget to check out Ghost in the Machine
Wednesday, 15 November 2023
‘Ghost in the Machine’ is ready for publishing
It's finally done! Ghost in the Machine has been through its final read and edit, and I'm now in the process of publishing on Amazon and Ingram Sparks . It's definately fair to say that navigating the do's and dont's of self-publishing are utterly baffling (I'll go into the whys and wherefores of choosing those two organisations as my launch point in a later update) .... But, as someone that's not famous (yet 😏), being in charge of my own book and royalties (rather than trying to attract an agent with a tiny slither of my work and then being rewarded with a pittance after the publisher has claimed their thirty pieces of silver) seemed an attractive proposition - I'll let you all know if I was right in a few months!
For now … chuffed face!
Making twitter posts!!
What do you think? Love 'Solitude' by M83 / Felsmann & Tiley - go check the full track out!! ...Anyway, the point is (aside fro...
I've been tinkering with this poem for a while, and enjoyed writing it as it sits at the intersection of my feelings about the current s...
So after travelling to the West Country in June, we decided to head back up North again after the Summer Holidays. Stopping near Birmingham ...
We had a great couple of trips in Delilah. The first travelling over to the west country in June, where Jo hugged a tree or two: and then w...