I get most poetry aficionados now have an aversion to rhyme. But hey, I don't!!
Allegory (or Fanfare for Corpocracy's rise)
In silence, we watch shadows pass
they shape our thoughts and feed the farce
Moulding lives to fit the lies
that see us strive, conform and die
And scared of what we do not know
we do not move or seek to go
But idle in their well known forms
find safety in such practised norms
There is no need to speculate
the shadows teach us fear and hate
Breed small world views and selfish thoughts
dispense with troubling shoulds and oughts
It matters not what's right or wrong
so long as we all nod along
While voices preach invented truths
to justify each new abuse
As newborn Gods, those few rich men
close liberty's gate and lock the pen
Embrace what once seemed quite absurd
they are the path, we are the herd
In barless cages, through blinkered eyes
accepting corporate sponsored rise
The missing light upon that wall
...an absence which now stains us all
I'm sure I'm not alone in worrying about the new worldview a few rich men are trying to impose on us. Plato's allegory of the cave is about exactly that... just taking the first thing you see / hear as truth and running with it.
Sadly, I don't think you have to be a philosopher to see where we're currently headed!!
I agree with me!!