Thursday, 6 February 2025

... out and about (in 2024 - part 2)

So after travelling to the West Country in June, we decided to head back up North again after the Summer Holidays. Stopping near Birmingham on the way up, where Jo Jo took lots of photos of waterfowl:

...and Max ran around and sniffed alot:

Then it was off to the Peak District and a beautiful site at Crowden, from where we visited the Lady Bower Reservoir:

(Sadly the water level was low so the plug holes weren't in operation). 

Then we visited the marple via and aquaducts (which are side by side and absolutely gorgeous).

and they sit at the end (or beginning I guess, depending on your direction) of a flight of 16 locks, which made for a magnificent walk with Max.

The following day, thinking Marple would be a tough act to follow, we went in search of a waterfall... We didn't manage to find that (as it seemed to require jumping across a fast flowing river), but what we did find was stunning, and we all enjoyed another fantastic walk in beautiful surroundings.

And at the cost of a bootful of Peak District river water ... we also left our own rock on a collection other walkers had built in the middle of the river:

We're gonna check if it's still there next time we pass by!

...... But on our way back home, after another lovely night near Birmingham, disaster struck!!! Something went wrong with Delilah's front nearside, and we were forced to pull over on the motorway. After two hours, a recovery truck picked us up... not so bad? Well, if he'd taken us all the way home it would have been fine. But he didn't; he drove us as far as Cobham Services and told us another truck would pick us up soon..........

.... seven hours later a wonderful man and his recovery truck finally arrived to take us the last hour and 20 minutes home.... It was a long, long, long day. 

We later established that two of the five studs that hold the wheels in place had snapped off on the front passenger side. If we'd kept driving, God only knows what might have happened. So we just have to be grateful no one was hurt and, as it turned out, reapiring Delilah was relatively cheap!

That was it for our travels in Delilah for 2024, and though we went up to London for our anniversary in December, I'll share that trip with you in another blog.

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